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Educational honors received:

  • Degree at the University of Trento, faculty of sociology, address "mass communication phenomena".

  • Start-up course for editorial editors promoted by the Torinese publishing houses Lindau and Il Quadrante (Turin).

  • Introductory course to proofreading promoted by the Turin publishing houses Lindau and Il Quadrante (Turin).

Del Medico


Since 2007 he has been teaching Italian L2 to children, teenagers and adults of immigrant origin. To date he has collaborated with Cestim (Center for Studies on Immigration, VR), Many Colors on the Net, Centro Aperto Bambù, Don Calabria Institute, Babel Cooperative and, in a personal capacity, with some schools in Verona and the province.


He has held training sessions on concerning the integration and teaching of Italian L2 in conferences addressed to teachers and educators of primary and secondary schools.


He organized both by himself and with a team after-school activities (homework help), linguistic and intercultural laboratories for primary and secondary school students.


He has experience in the field of advertising, both editing and copywriting. He has written editorial collections, pieces on authors for magazines and essays, online content management, editorial plans for social networks.

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